As I'm getting closer to my 60th birthday, it came very clear that this season is a closing season. There has been too much on my plate (my own fault) and it started to feel like too much.
Last 10 years has been building and helping startups and founders, mainly with companies with impact aspect in various ways money not always being the first/only thing. Now it seems to be the right time to close them nicely and "clear the table".
From personal growth angle Burning Man festival on August 2023 was a kick of for spiritual growth with the help on Spiritual Master NLP group 02/2023-04/2024. My mentor and group meetings lead me to think more widely of our presence here from universal and ancient wisdom perspective. This deep diving gave me also tools in my founder coaching.
Coaching practises has been more quiet that previous years. My Baltic mentoring group push started to fade away and Finnish coaching was also quite quiet. So I had more time and focus on my personal growth path also with Contriber community activities.
Unicef fall 2023 was very active with trips to Mexico and Nepal helping to understand more of wide range of problems (political, climate, violence, ..) that force people to leave their home and home country to survive. Also impact groups around education and innovation started to be active.
But then the heart stroke that I got 01/2024 forced me to think about sabbatical season for real also from my body perspective. It became clear the actions for more sleep and less stress had to be taken seriously. End result by this date is best body fit ever and healthier food with a lot less sugar consumption.
Now the path and calendar is clear for taking distance to almost everything. Family and myself in good share to enjoy a season with no must do things. Living one day at a time, listening to myself in every moment and not worrying about the future.
It's time for a time-out. Let's see what happens after that.

At the studio 05/2024